Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Nitty gritty

Determined not to make October a blog-less month. Things continue to be hectic, with the Soi 15 condo responsible for a fair amount of drama. We found out that the unit we bid on involves a developer teetering on the verge of bankruptcy and no condo association yet in place. As a result, the threat of potential maintenance disruptions hampered execution of the P&S. The building itself is pretty good – décor is Asian spa kitsch with a decent-sized indoor pool. Soi 15 is prone to flooding and school-related traffic (from the old ISB) but otherwise, a quiet, unspectacular soi. Not bad as far as urban sprawl goes. Guess it all comes down to our level of risk tolerance (low!). In the worse case scenario, we’d have to pay the sinking fund again, and this appears to not be unusual here. I'm less than enthralled. Whoopee.

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