Monday, August 15, 2011


N has picked up a lot of words lately, chatting non-stop. She's mostly coherent, but it sometimes takes awhile to figure out what she's saying. Interestingly, while we speak to her in English and Thai, she mostly speaks Thai. She also refers to herself as Sa. Some recent phrases:

Upon wanting to play with my phone: ษาทำได้ Mama ทำไม่ได้ [Sa can do it, Mama cannot]
To her Thomas trains:
จูบกันะ [Kiss each other, ok]
Wanting some iced tea: Tea
Waving to her stuffed animals: See you ะ bye bye
Climbing on the bed (since falling off and banging her head earlier): Mama ช่วยดูษาน้อยค่ะ [Mama, please watch me/make sure I don't fall]
Frustrated, trying to point out something that I couldn't see: Mama
มองไม่เห็น [Mama cannot see]
Upon wanting to buy a book: Mama ตังค์อยู่ไหน? [Mama, where's the money?]
In her sleep and very often, while awake: ไม่ไม่! [No, no!]
Every so often:
ทำรเอ่ย? เสียงรเอ่ย? นี่ร? [What are you doing? What's that sound? What's this?]
Upon being carried in a precarious manner: Mama อุ้มดีดี [Mama, hold me properly]
Upon seeing a Buddha image with a bare torso: ไม่มี boobs ะ [Got no boobs]
Upon being asked who's the apple of Mama's eye: ษา [Sa] apple eye (while poking me in the eyes)

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